(213) 596-0265
Mon - Fri 09:30am-6:00pm
(213) 596-0265
Mon - Fri 09:30am-6:00pm

Auto Accident Attorney in Glendale CA

Compassionate Representation for Your

Car Accident Case

With over 20 years of experience and a 98% success rate, our lawyers have helped thousands of California residents and won millions of compensation. If you suffer from an injury, contact us now!

In a hurry? Call us now at (213) 596-0265

Auto Accident Attorney in Glendale CA

Our Glendale, CA auto accident attorney is here for you. With expertise in vehicular collision cases, we provide dedicated legal support for your recovery. Contact our Glendale-based car accident lawyer today for personalized assistance. Here in Tenina Law P.A, we specialize in handling auto accident claims, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve.

Winning Doesn’t Happen by Accident.

An injury can change your life, sometimes forever. At Tenina Law Firm, we are committed to assuring that insurance companies fully and fairly compensate our clients for the harms and damages they have sustained due to someone else’s carelessness.

Our firm handles a broad range of personal injury and wrongful death matters. We have helped clients throughout Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley seek compensation for injuries and damages suffered as a result of car and trucking accidents, slip/trip and falls, dog bites and defective products. We have fought on behalf of the catastrophically injured, including those who suffered debilitating spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries. Alla Tenina’s Auto Accident Attorney in Glendale, CA & Glendale personal injury attorneys understand what you have been through, and we are here to fight tirelessly for you and your family.

Our Auto Accident Attorney in Glendale, CA Cases Handled

Our Auto Accident Attorney in Glendale, CA & Glendale personal injury attorneys are seasoned and accomplished lawyers who have been recognized for their commitment to our clients and for their successful track record. Most of all, we understand the immense emotional, physical, and financial impact a severe injury or unexpected death can have on victims and their loved ones. Because of this, we offer compassionate, personalized legal guidance and aggressive advocacy from start to finish.

Involved in a Car Accident in Glendale, CA?

Tenina Law Firm is one of the best personal injury law firms in Glendale, CA. Our attorneys have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of our clients. Our goal is to provide the best legal service to obtain the best outcome for you. We don’t charge you anything out-of-pocket, we only get paid when we win for you.

Dial (213) 596-0265 

Why Work with Us?

Tenina Law Firm Have:

  • Millions Have Recovered for our Clients
  • You Do Not Pay Unless We Win
  • Over 20 Years of Combined Experience
  • Have Personalized Attention
  • Aggressive Legal Representation

Exceptional Results for Glendale Accident Victims

If you’re looking for an Auto Accident Attorney in Glendale CA and a Glendale personal injury attorney you can trust Tenina P.A, and look no further.

Tenina Law Firm is known for unparalleled service and exceptional legal representation. Driven by results and won’t quit until earned the compensation you’re entitled to. Contact Tenina Law Firm today to schedule a free initial consultation.

Glendale Accident Resources

As a victim of negligence, there are many local resources at your disposal that you may or may not be aware of. We’ll prepared the following listing for your convenience.

Ready to Get Your Compensation?

Schedule a FREE consultation with our Glendale CA Personal Injury Lawyer. We will give you personalized legal advice based on your needs. Call us now!

Why You Need an Auto Accident Attorney in Glendale CA

Car accidents are often overwhelming, resulting in physical injury, emotional distress and financial burdens. Hiring a Car Accident Attorney in Glendale is essential if you have been in a Glendale car accident.

Legal Expertise

To navigate the legal complexities in a car accident, you need to be familiar with personal injury law. Alla Tenina is a Car Accident Attorney who has the expertise to interpret and apply applicable laws to your case.

Protecting Your Rights

You may unintentionally compromise your rights if you do not have legal representation. A skilled attorney will ensure that your rights are protected during the entire legal process. This prevents potential exploitation from insurance companies and opposing parties.

Evidence Collection

A strong case is built on the collection of relevant evidence. Car Accident Lawyer knows the type of evidence required to support your claim and will ensure that all critical details are documented.

Insurance Negotiations

Insurance companies often put their own interests before yours. A lawyer acts as your advocate in negotiations to ensure that you receive fair compensation for any injuries, damages or losses.

Determine Liability

It is important to establish fault in an accident before you can receive compensation. A Car Accident Lawyer conducts an investigation to determine fault, identify responsible parties and hold them accountable.

Maximizing Compensation:

Settlements from insurance companies should cover your entire damages, such as medical costs, lost wages and property damage. They should also cover pain and suffering. A Car Accident Lawyer knows how to maximize compensation and ensure you receive a fair settlement.

Litigation Support

If a fair settlement is not reached by negotiation, your attorney will take the case to court. Their courtroom and litigation experience is invaluable when presenting your case to a judge or jury.

Enjoy Peace of Mind

It can be stressful to deal with the aftermath of an accident. A Car Accident Attorney can help you focus on recovery, while the attorney handles your legal case.

Car Accident Types

There are several different types of auto accidents. There are many different types of car accident.

  • Rear-end crash
  • Side-impact Crash.
  • Sideswipe Crashes
  • Rollover Crash
  • Head-on Crash.
  • Accident Involving Hit and Run Driver

Causes and Effects of Car Accidents

The majority of car accidents can be prevented. Most car accidents are caused by drivers’ negligence.

  • Distracted Driving: Many drivers multitask when driving. While driving, drivers may text, eat, groom themselves, or interact with passengers or animals. These activities are dangerous as they divert the driver’s focus from the road.
  • Drunk driving can be caused when you drink alcohol or take drugs before driving. Intoxicated drivers are more likely to have poor judgment, impaired vision and slower reactions. Even a few drinks can increase the risk that a driver drives recklessly and causes an accident. Drunk driving can be dangerous and cause serious injuries.
  • As the old saying says, speed kills. If a driver is exceeding the speed limit, it takes them longer to slow down. It can cause a driver to lose control and increase the risk of an accident. A collision can be more severe and more damaging if you increase your speed.
  • Fatigue: Many people drive because they are too busy. Driving while drowsy can be as dangerous as drinking and driving. Pull over as soon you can if you are having trouble maintaining your focus on the road. Avoid falling asleep in your car.
  • Current weather conditions: Driving in rain or snow can be much more challenging than driving during a warm, sunny day. It can make roads slippery, resulting in multiple vehicle accidents. If you must drive in bad conditions, slow down and be alert.

What is the Value of Your Car Accident Claim?

After a car accident, victims face high costs. The average person does not have $10,000 to cover their expenses.

  • Repairs to your car Your car may require extensive bodywork or it could be totaled.
  • Medical bills. You will have to pay for wheelchairs, prescription medication and doctor’s visits. Even minor injuries can cost more than $10,000. The medical inflation over the past decade is to blame. Even a moderate injury can require more.
  • Loss in income. Injury that prevents people from working. Our clients struggled with their finances for many months due to the inability to work. Few people have an emergency fund. Most likely, they lived paycheck-to-paycheck.

Tenina Law Offers a FREE Consultation

At Tenina Law Firm, we specialize in handling car accident cases in Glendale, Ca. 

Call Tenina Law Firm today at (213) 596-0265 for a free consultation and let us be your legal advocate during this difficult time. Your well-being is our priority, and we are here to help you seek the justice and compensation you deserve.

Dial (213) 596-0265 to receive a no-obligation consultation from an experienced Glendale lawyer.

Other Services We Offer

In a hurry? Call us now at (213) 596-0265