Does California consider emotional distress a personal injury? Yes. California law permits anyone suffering from it as the result of someone else’s negligent or intentional acts to pursue legal action for compensation. Your emotional distress and other noneconomic damages could qualify you for compensation; similarly, financial compensation might apply in cases involving accidents that have...Read More
What Qualifies as a Case for a Wrongful Death Lawsuit? Filing a wrongful death lawsuit may provide the family with the funds needed for them to cope after a sudden and untimely loss however, not everyone qualifies. Understanding what constitutes wrongful death compensation will assist your efforts at recovering compensation and recovery more efficiently. BOOK...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now! California is a state where dog bites can be a problem. In fact, California has had the highest number of deaths out of all fifty states over the past few years. These attacks were mostly in Southern California and San Diego. San Diego County Department...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now! There can be various outcomes when taxpayers become delinquent in paying the IRS their money due. Each case will consider different factors to resolve it as quickly and fairly as possible for everyone involved in that case. When considering any outcome of an offer in...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! Do you know how long does a motorcycle accident lawsuit take? Most cases are settled outside of court in six to twelve months. It is important for those seeking compensation for medical costs, pain and discomfort, and other accident-related damages to understand the claims process, as well as the factors...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! Filing for bankruptcy is a great way to get your finances in order. It can be difficult to navigate the bankruptcy process on your own, as bankruptcy involves legal issues. Although you can file the case yourself, experts recommend that you hire a bankruptcy attorney in Pasadena to help you....Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! No Fees Until We Win. Since then, people injured in many different accidents have called Tenina Law to talk to a San Fernando Valley California Personal Injury Attorney. We are well-known throughout California for obtaining our clients’ highest settlements and providing excellent client service. Hiring the best personal injury lawyer...Read More
Everyone should have an estate plan. You don’t need to worry if you are in your 20s and have little estate assets or if your relationship with family is not strong. Estate planning helps you prepare for the unexpected and ensures that your property is passed on to the right people at your death. A...Read More
The labyrinthine tax laws are always intimidating for any individual or any business operator. Thousands of taxpayer jump into a quarrel with the Internal Revenue Service annually, and consequently, many end up in the tax court. Knowing the most commonly litigated tax issues will help you be better positioned to keep yourself and your business...Read More
Running a business is no easy task. From managing operations to balancing finances, business owners often face numerous challenges. When financial troubles begin to overwhelm your company, the thought of filing for bankruptcy might seem like an admission of failure. However, bankruptcy can actually be a valuable tool to help businesses regain control and emerge...Read More